*OHSQ practice
*5x3 medium weight OHSQ
*10x high jumps and sprints
*5x10 single arm KB swings
*6rds for time
-100/jump rope
-200m sprint
*5 sets unbroken
-10 strict press
-10 push press
-10 snatch to balance
*5X10 pull ups/ ring pull ups
*5 sets 90sec rest
-10 ring push ups
-10 dips
*stretch and foam roll
*1 mile run
*20mins pull up practice
*tabata 50's
-jump rope (100 reps if single jump)
-box jumps
-walking lunges
*3x warm-up
-50 bicycle crunches
-20 back ex
*1 rep max dead lift
*5 rds for time 95/75lbs.
-10 DL
-5 power cleans
-3 thrusters
*3rds for warm up
-10 push ups
-10 bent knee sit ups
-10 BW squats
FR squats
*5rds for time
-10 FR squats
-20 box jumps
*10x100m row
-100 jump rope
*20min AMRAP
-4 burpees
-6 wall balls
-8 KB swings
*3x10 Turkish get ups
2min rest
*power snatch practice
*5x3 power snatch
*HSPU/ pull up practice
*4x400m row
*mod chelsea every 90sec.
-5 pull ups
-10 push ups
-15 BW squats
*3x 15reps
-GHD sit ups
*Annie 50-40-30-20-10
-sit ups
-30 clean and jerk
*3x10 pull ups
*yoke rack pushes
*ladder warm up w/ jogs
*5 sets 1min rest
-10 walking lunges w/ weight
*5 sets 2 min rest
-400m run
-6 pistols
*AMRAP 2 mins
-man makers
*10 mins jump rope
*OHSQ practice
*5x3 rep OHSQ medium weight
*3rds for time
-200m run
-20 straight leg sit ups
-10 med ball clean squats
*3x 250m row sprints
-box jumps
-chin ups
-KB swings
*5rds for time
-10 burpees
-knees to elbows
*team WOD's
400m run
21 KB swings
12 pull ups
-Diane 21-15-9
DL 225lbs
150 wall balls
*active stretching
*1 mile run
-pull ups
-push ups
-bent knee sit ups
-BW squats
*5x team workout
-pull up hang hold
-ring dips
*5x team workout
-DL hold
-ISO abs
*active stretching
*Build up workout
-1 clean & jerk 45lbs.
-2 pull ups/dips
-3 box jumps 20"
-4 hang clean squats 45lbs.
-5 bar facing burpees
-6 push press 45lbs.
-7 BW squats
-8 knees to elbows
-9 wall balls
-10 pull ups
-11 HSPU
-12 FR squats w/ wall ball
*3-3-3-3-3 sumo high DL pull
*3 sets 3min w/ 3min rest
-50 jump rope
-AMRAP sumo high DL pulls