-150m row sprint
-400m run
*5x3 heavy split jerk
*5rds for time
-10 push jerk
-20 pull ups
-150m row sprint
-400m run
*5x3 heavy split jerk
*5rds for time
-10 push jerk
-20 pull ups
*1 mile run
*team WOD
-10 burpees
-weighted run 150m
-load weight onto barbell and farmers walk w/ team mate 150m
-unload barbell
-10 burpees
-weighted run 150m
*Annie 50-40-30-20-10
-straight leg sit ups
*snatch practice
-30 snatches for time
*10x w/ 30sec rest
*10mins skill and movement practice
*20min AMRAP
-2 muscle up/ 2 pull ups and 2 dips
-8 KB swings
*3x w/ 1min rest
-15 sec. Mountain climbers
-30 sec. Knees to elbows
-45 sec. Burpee crunches
-1min ISO abs
*5 mins jump rope
-10 BW bench
-amrap diamond push ups
*15 min AMRAP
-10 toe 2 bar/ knee to elbow
-20 burpee box jumps
-30 ball clean
-40 DU or 80 jump rope
*team wod
Finish what u can in 40mins
-400m run
-21 KB swings
-12 pull ups
*Diane 21-15-9
- dead lift
*Elizabeth 21-15-9
- clean
- ring dips
-150 wall balls
*battle chain
-sled pull
*5 each arm
-Turkish get ups
*death by barbell
2 reps each (unbroken and non stop)
-sumo high pull dead lift
-dead lift
-power clean
-hang clean
-clean squat
-power snatch
-hang snatch
-snatch squat
*1 mile run
*20min AMRAP
-10 push ups
-10 wall balls
-10 pistols
-10 walking lunges w/ weight
-10 box jumps
-10 burpee
*1 mile cool down
-10 GHD sit ups
-10 KB swings
-10 straight leg sit ups
-10 ball slams
*15 mins
-DU practice/ pull up practice
-toes 2 bar/ knees to elbows
-150m row sprints
-100 DU /200 jump rope
*AMRAP 10mins
-10 OHSQ
-200m run
*1 hr time limit
-1000 DU
-800 walking lunges
-600 sumo high dead lift pulls
-400 box jumps
-200 bent knee sit ups
*5x3 reps heavy
-push press
*5 rds for time
-10 ring dips/ dips
-15 push ups
-20 push press
*5x30 sec.
-burpee broad jumps
*5mins jump rope / DU
*5rds for time
-10 pull ups
-20 KB swings
-10 thrusters
-50 seated twist
-50 bicycle crunches
-50 scissor kicks
-1min ISO abs
*warm up 4x
-100m row sprint
-400m run
Team WOD
AMRAP 30mins
-100 wall balls
-100 DL
-100 pull ups
-10 sled runs
*ladder warm up
-box jumps
-DU / jump rope
-back ex.
-toes 2 bar/ knees to elbow
-burpee pull ups
*5min AMRAP
-clean and jerk
*3rds warm up
-5 pull ups
-10 bent knee sit ups
-20 BW SQ
*5x3 power snatch
*5rds for time
-10 power snatch
-30 DU/ 60 jump rope
-200m run