*active stretching
*warm up 3 sets w/ 1min rest
-200 jump rope
-400m run
*20min amrap
-10 box jumps
-10 lunge jumps
-10 walking lunges
-10 burpees
*active stretching
*warm up 3 sets w/ 1min rest
-200 jump rope
-400m run
*20min amrap
-10 box jumps
-10 lunge jumps
-10 walking lunges
-10 burpees
*active stretching
*3 rds for warm up
-20 BW squats
-10 push ups
-5 burpees
*5 rds for time
-10 power clean
-10 KB swings
-10 squat jump jacks
-200m run
*pull up practice
*active stretching
*5 sets w/ 1mon rest
-200 m row sprints
-20 ring knees to elbows
-15 knees to elbows
-10 bent knees sit ups
-5 GHD sit ups
*active stretching
*1 mile run
*5 rds for time
-10 dead lifts
-10 back ex.
*tabata wall balls
-accumulate to 100reps
*active stretching
*10mins jump rope
*2-2-2-2-2-2-2 reps FR SQ
*3x unbroken amrap pull ups
*active stretching
*3x15 reps GHD sit ups
*3rds for time
-6 Turkish get ups
-50 jump rope
*team workout 3x
-200m sprint
-10 BW squats
-5 push ups
*active stretching
*3x 500m row w/ 1min rest
-5 pull ups
-5 dips
-10 wall balls
*3 rds for time
-20 step ups w/ weight
-100m run w/ weight
*active stretching
*5 mins jump rope
*7rds for time
-200m run
-10 push ups
-20 vent knee sit ups
-30 BW squats
*3 sets
-1 min ISO abs plank
-30 sec. side ISO abs R/L
*active stretching w/ ladder
*5 sets
-250m row
-amrap wall balls
*21-15-9 reps for time
-dead lift 135lbs.
-box jumps
*active stretching
*1 mile run
*5x amrap chin ups
*5rds team workout
-10 KB swings
-burpee broad jumps
*active stretching
*10 mind jump rope
*7 rds for time
-10 clean squats 95lbs.
-20 pull ups
-30 box jumps
*active stretching
*5x1 rep max back squat
*5x3 rep shoulder press
-HSPU amrap
*active stretching
*1 mile run
*core work 5x10 reps
-side ISO dips
-GHD sit ups
-leg raises
* pull up practice
*active stretching
*5 rds for time
-400m run
-10 burpee box jumps
-10 sumo high dead lift pulls
-10 thrusters
*active stretching
*for time
1 mile run
-50 pull ups
-50 push ups
-50 straight leg sit ups
-50 BW squat
1 mile run
*active stretching
*50 SQ jump jacks
*5rds for time
-20 box jumps
-15 push press
-10 knees to elbows
*active stretching
*10mins jump rope
*7rds for time
-20 wall balls
-20 bent knees sit ups
-20 burpees
*active stretching
*1000m row
*3x bear crawl w/ dumbells
-walking lunges
*core work 5x30sec.
-seated twist
-scissor kicks
-leg raises
-super man back ex.
*side ISO dips
*active stretching
*thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
*AMRAP 20mins
-15 pull ups
-15 crossfit push ups
-15 KB swings
-200m run
*active stretching
*3 sets 1000m row for time
*5x ring knees to elbows in plank hold
-1min ISO abs
*active stretching
*1 rep max dead lift
-10 GHD sit ups
-10 back extensions
-300 jump rope