*active stretching
-pull ups
-push ups
-bent knee sit ups
-BW squats
*5x1 rep max strict shoulder press
*active stretching
-pull ups
-push ups
-bent knee sit ups
-BW squats
*5x1 rep max strict shoulder press
*active stretching
*clean squat practice
*5 rds for time
-5 clean squats
-10 walking lunges each leg w/ weight
-15 KB swings
-200m run
*pull up practice
*active stretching w/ ladder
*1 mile run
*FGB 1min max effort each exercise 3rds
-wall ball
-sumo high dead lift pull
-box jump
-push press
-row for cals
-1 min rest
Alright guys, PR Fitness is having a Christmas sale for new members for the first month.
-5 days a week is $150 going for $100 for the month
-3 days a week is $100 going for $75 for the month
Get them for your loved ones and friends for Christmas, or even for yourself.
Message me to inquire: Petern11321@gmail.com
Sale ends Dec. 31st
*active stretching
*5sets 10reps ring push ups
*3x 3 way complex
6reps each
*5x 200m sprints
*active stretching
*5 rds for time
-10 dead lifts 185/135 lbs.
-100 jump rope
*3x yoke rack pushes
-20 lunge jumps
*active stretching
*1 mile run for time
*5x3 rep heavy max bench
*core work tabata
-mountain climbers
-scissor kicks
*active stretching
*for time 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
-box jumps
-wall balls
200m run
*10 mins jump rope
-every min 3 burpees
*active stretching
*5 sets 400m sprints
*for time
-5 burpees
-15 knees to elbows
-10 burpees
-10 knees to elbows
-15 burpees
-5 knees to elbows
*active stretching
Reps 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
-Push ups
-pull ups
-AMRAP box jumps in 10mins
-diet/meal plans
*active stretching w/jogging
*10rds for time
-10 wall balls
-10 kettle bell swings
*tabata burpee challenge
*active stretching
*5x3 reps bear complex
-power clean
-front SQ
-push press
-back SQ
-push press
*Nicole for time
AMRAP in 20mins
-400m run
-max rep pull ups
*active stretching w/ ladder
-10 pull ups
-10 ring dips
*for time
-row 300m
-20 push press
-row 300m
-15 push press
-row 300m
-10 push press
-row 300m
-5 push press
*active stretching w/ ladder
*1 mile run
*20min amrap
-10 thrusters
-20 kb swings
-40 jump rope
*active stretching w/ agility ladder
*clean squat practice
*team workout
-wall ball
-row for cal
-run 200m
*active stretching
-500m row
-200 jump rope
*5x10 each leg box step ups w/ weight
*active stretching
*tabata 8rds of 20sec. on and 10sec. rest
-lunge jumps
*10x10 squat jumps w/ 100ft sprint
*active stretching
-40 push ups
-30 back extensions on the ground
-20 high knee jumps
-10 straight leg sit ups
-20 scissor kicks
-10 leg raises/hips to the sky
-90sec. ISO abs plank
-45sec. Side ISO abs each side
2 min rest in between sets
*active stretching
*modified Annie
-Jump rope
-bent knee sit ups
*5rds for time
-run 200m
-5 knees to elbows
-10 burpees
-20 walking lunges